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Will the Draymond Green Incident lead to the end of the Warriors Dynasty?

After the 114-106 Game 2 loss in Sacramento, fighting back from 0-2 deficit was thought to be the Golden State Warriors only concern. That was until the NBA announced yesterday that Draymond Green would be suspended for a crucial game 3 in San Francisco. Now, the Warriors will have to try to find a way to win without their emotional and defensive leader; and its no secret they have struggled previously in these situations. In 2016, Draymond was infamously suspended from Game 5 of the NBA Finals where they lost and Cleveland Cavaliers made their epic 3-1 series comeback. With another Draymond suspension, the Warriors face one of the biggest challenges in the history of their dynasty run.

When the suspension was announced, as egregious as the actions of Draymond was, I did not expect him to get suspended. I do understand the NBA's reasoning as he does have a long history of similar incidents in his career although I felt like this incident was a bit different. I fear this suspension, while a bit unfair, could lead to the end of the Warriors dynasty due to several factors. I originally picked the Sacramento Kings to win this series in 7 games, primarily due to their highly potent offense and the Warriors road woes. However, it's not just because the loss of Draymond could cost them the series but more so because of the tough conversations that could be had in the offseason as a result. There is a possibility that Draymond could opt out of the final year of his contract and become an unrestricted free agent. If the result of a series is once again affected by a Draymond suspension, it could impact the willingness of the front office to bring him back at a price both sides agree on. Especially when you consider new CBA rules that almost certainly were made because of the Warriors where teams ability to go into the luxury tax is heavily impacted. There has been a overlying question if this season could be a considered a "Last Dance" type of scenario for the Warriors. With the possible series and team impact of the Draymond suspension, the end of the Warriors dynasty at least feels closer than ever before.

Say what you want about Draymond but its no secret the Golden State Warriors would not have won their 4 NBA titles without his grit, abrasiveness, and defensive tenacity. With that said, the Warriors have always accepted Draymond for both his good and his bad but with Warriors margin for error so thin the loss could not come at a worse time. Draymond Green is far to important to his team to get himself into these situations especially at such a crucial time in the series. Even if the Warriors are able to win Game 3 without him they still face an uphill battle to come back and win this series.

Source: NBA YouTube Channel

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